The 30th ​G​alesburg Heritage Days

Trade Guidelines for the
Rendezvous Encampment
Galesburg Heritage Days
Please remember this is a rendezvous. All trade goods should reflect this time period. If not from the rendezvous era, please do not try to sell it.
No items made of plastic or nylon.
No plastic or modern priced stickers or dry erase boards.
No unnatural colored items. (moccasins, feathers, furs, etc.)
No bullwhips.
No rubber band guns.
No hematite zingers.
No modern items.
No collectable dolls.
No flea market type items. (Ceramic figurines, or any figurines that depict unicorns, medieval, Far East etc., crystal balls, dyed rabbit’s feet, and all other questionable flea market items)
Maps, books and artwork may be sold if they are relevant to our time period. CD’s can be sold, just not openly displayed. If you have items that are covered in plastic, please remove one as a display and have the rest out of view.
All items are left to the discretion of our trade commissioner, Hawk VanLew. If questions before the event, please call (309) 335-7743. On Thursday, August 15th, Hawk will be conducting a meeting to go over these guidelines with ALL traders. Please meet at Shelter #1 at 7 pm.
Please be courteous and cooperative and follow these trade guidelines to help ensure a quality event.
Thank you!